ADIO Chiropractic

Jason V. Walp, D.C.

Yoga for Low Back Pain

Exclusive Content!! Yoga for Back Pain, Low Back Pain Stretches for Beginners, Sciatica Relief In this at home workout, Meera Hoffman guides you through relaxing yoga to relieve back pack. This series will cover upper and lower back pain; this video focuses on the low back.

Text Neck: A Real Issue and How Chiropractic Care Can Help

If you haven’t heard about Text Neck yet, this has become a new buzzword in the health industry to describe a very common issue that impacts people today. Text neck is a condition that formed when you overuse your neck, back and shoulder muscles by keeping yourself in a hunched over position, typically the position that occurs when you spend a lot of time looking down and forward, such as you would when looking on a mobile device. 

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